You Deserve a Great Website. Skip the DIY, with™

Custom web design and hosting, for your brand, products, events, conferences, and more.

Secure, Fast, Static Sites

HTML 5, CSS, Javascript


Animations, Advanced Features

0.05 seconds

is the time it takes for a person to make an opinion about your website.


of website users make a purchase if the website is mobile-friendly.

7 out of  10

small business websites don’t include a call to action, an essential element of website sales conversion.

The High Price, of a Poorly-Designed Website

About half of consumers (48%) judge a business's credibility by its web design. That's the weight a stellar site carries.

DIY ventures often miss the mark. With your brand's reputation in the balance, professional expertise is paramount.

Targeting upscale clients? Ensure your online face speaks the same language they do.

Sidestep DIY pitfalls that might drive them to your competitors, with, by Kuva Media.

You’ve Found Your Solution

For your business, event, or personal brand, sometimes a multi-page website is overkill, yet a simple "link in bio" page falls short.

Forget the intricacies of WordPress, the pricey plugins, and the SEO maze.

And drag-and-drop platforms? They still demand a designer's touch.

With™ by Kuva Media™, we've got you covered. Simply fill out one questionnaire, and elevate your web presence with ease.

Why we started

What you get

Why we’re different

Create My New Site

How™ Works

Every client enjoys these premium features, ensuring clear pricing and unparalleled service:

Mobile-responsive designs with custom copywriting

Secure hosting, featuring lightning fast CDN for videos

Short-term for events or long-term for ongoing visibility

Personal client portal with tailored support

Level Up My Web Presence

1. Choose your visual style

Choose from expert-curated colors, font combinations, and more.

2. Choose your features

Select your website's content blocks from standard, and optional premium add-ons.

3. Get your page and hosting

Get your page, approve it, and we'll provide full-service website hosting.

Best UI/UX Practices

Our team follows a 200+ point design, UI, and UX checklist, so you don't have to.

Curated Typography

Bring a new dimension to your brand's message with our expert font pairings.

Crafted Color Palettes

Effortlessly elevate your brand with artful combinations created with color theory in mind.

Enterprise-Level Design

Get your competitors and audience asking, "who made that for you?"

Choose Your Solution

The Spotlight


  • $54.99/month fully-managed hosting


Perfect for creating a dynamic and impactful online presence with a single-page format, The Launch Pad package is ideal for driving sales or conversion and capturing leads for brands, product launches, personal branding, and events. It includes:

One premium landing page, customized for conversion

Mobile-first, responsive design, persuasive copywriting, optional animations and features

Secure hosting with fast video CDN for quick load times, BYO integrations and embeds

Fully-managed hosting, site information/event updates, premium client portal and support

Great Value

The Ensemble


  • $54.99/month fully-managed hosting


Designed for businesses and professionals needing a more comprehensive web presence, our The Ensemble allows for a deeper exploration of your brand and services. This package is perfect for showcasing a broader range of content and includes:

Your choice of 5 one-page landing pages, or a five-page website, customized for conversion

Mobile-first, responsive design, persuasive copywriting, optional animations and features

Secure hosting with fast video CDN for quick load times, BYO integrations and embeds

Fully-managed hosting, site information/event updates, with client portal, premium support

Custom Masterpiece

Per Quote

Host anywhere


The pinnacle of bespoke web design, offering limitless possibilities tailored to brands and professionals that need specific website platforms, or have special requests. Craft a unique digital identity that stands out in your industry. Features include:

Bespoke, custom-made websites, of any size

Mobile-first, responsive design, persuasive copywriting tailored to your conversion goals

Self-host or choose a specific web design/hosting platform, such as Wix, WordPress, and more

Whitelabel services for agencies available, upon request and subject to approval

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need my own website domain?

Do you write the copy, or do I have to bring my own?

Will my webpage be SEO-optimized?

Can I provide my own content?

I need more customization, or have special requests.

I have more questions.

See the Real Deal:

Portfolio & Demos

John the Roof Pro

Professional's website.

Visit site ↗

Insurance Data Watch

Brand website.

Visit site ↗

Sarah Parker

Demo event page for a webinar.

Visit site ↗

More, Coming Soon

More client projects and demos, coming soon!

Never Be Embarrassed About Your Web Presence Again.

It's time to say goodbye to that old website, and hello to something truly represents your brand.

Create My New Site

Need More Info?

Contact us in the chat, or book a call or video meet now!

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